Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractComponent : Component

Preconfigured abstract implementation of Component. This class provides in the companion object some helper methods to send and receive messages without specifying the serialization. Preconfigures the component defining the initialize and finalize methods.

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Models a deployable component. The component models a sub-function of a Logical Device. A component can communicate with other components through the send and receive methods. The link between components is established by the setupWiring that MUST be called before the execute method which starts the execution of the component logic. All the operations are asynchronous and non-blocking and they may fail with a ComponentError.

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sealed interface ComponentKind

Kind of component. Representation of the different kind of components supported by the pulverization model. The Generic component is used to provide a custom partitioning of the Logical Device.

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interface ComponentRef

Symbolic reference to a Component. This concept is used to reify the link between components and used in Component.setupWiring for configuring the components' links.