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Abstract class for components that are part of the pulverisation model in the strict setup.

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abstract class Actuators<in AS : Any>(serializer: KSerializer<AS>) : AbstractPulverizedComponent

Represents the Actuators component in the pulverization model.

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abstract class Behavior<State : Any, Comm : Any, in Sensors : Any, out Actuators : Any>(executionScheduler: ExecutionScheduler, stateSerializer: KSerializer<StateOps<State>> = serializer(), commSerializer: KSerializer<CommunicationPayload<Comm>> = serializer(), sensorsSerializer: KSerializer<Sensors>, actuatorsSerializer: KSerializer<Actuators>) : AbstractPulverizedComponent

Represents the Behavior component in the pulverization model. The behavior can manage the State of the component, the Communication with the other devices, the Sensors and the Actuators. The behavior is executed according to the ExecutionScheduler.

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data class BehaviourOutput<out State : Any, out Comm : Any, out Actuators : Any>(val state: State?, val comm: Comm?, val actuators: Actuators?)

Models the output of a Behavior where state is the new state of the component, comm is the communication to be sent to the other devices and actuators is the prescriptive actions to be performed.

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abstract class Communication<Comm : Any>(serializer: KSerializer<CommunicationPayload<Comm>>) : AbstractPulverizedComponent

Represents the Communication component in the pulverization model.

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data class CommunicationPayload<Comm : Any>(val deviceId: Id, val payload: Comm)

Represents the payload of a communication.

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object GetState : StateOps<Nothing>

Represents the operation of querying the state of a State component.

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abstract class Sensors<out SS : Any>(executionScheduler: ExecutionScheduler, serializer: KSerializer<SS>) : AbstractPulverizedComponent

Represents the Sensors component in the pulverization model.

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data class SetState<StateRepr : Any>(val content: StateRepr) : StateOps<StateRepr>

Represents the operation of setting the state of a State component with a new content.

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abstract class State<StateRepr : Any>(serializer: KSerializer<StateOps<StateRepr>>) : AbstractPulverizedComponent

Represents the State component in the pulverization model.

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@Serializable(with = StateOpsSerializer::class)
sealed interface StateOps<out StateRepr : Any>

Represents the operations that can be performed on a State component.